Applied serverless: event-driven processing in Azure

n recent years cloud providers such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft have been pushing the concept of Serverless computing. This new term can be confusing as it alludes to computing without Servers. Serverless computing provides a runtime environment for developers to write code without any concern for the infrastructure it is running on. Serverless computing has become synonymous with the term Function as a Service (FaaS).

In this workshop we’ll develop different modules of an eCommerce order processing platform having in mind serverless programming concepts. We’ll do pair programming, write Azure Functions for simple and complex use cases and deploy them in Azure. We’ll also see how to integrate different Azure PaaS services (Service Bus, Cosmos DB, Azure Search) into a serverless architecture.



Create & deploy Azure Functions.

Process events in cloud using Azure Functions.

Create a simple architecture for our scenarios using serverless principles.

Implement CQRS using Functions, Cosmos DB and Azure Search.

Write domain centric code way (So you’re not coupled to Azure infrastructure).

Automating CI/CD using Azure DevOps.


Andrei Scutariu

Date & time 22/02, 9:00 - 13:00 Location FabLab , Room 4 Places Available 17
Registration Closed